良質なシューゲイザー、ドリームポップ、エレクトロニカなどをリリースするテキサスの Saint Marieレーベルの2枚組コンピレーションアルバム"Static Waves"の第2弾。今回も23曲の未発表含む全32曲の大ヴォリューム。お買い得プライスですので、入門編としてもどうぞ。
Track List:
01. Seasurfer - We Run
02. Jetman Jet Team - Red Wind (Tokyo Mix)
03. Elika - Moving Faster
04. Drowner - Hide Yer Eyes
05. Orange Yellow Red - Time Slows Down
06. Nightmare Air - Icy Daggers
07. Andrew Saks - Farewell To The Hills
08. Tip Top Tellix - So Beautiful Eyes
09. Young Boy - Secret Place
10. Shortwave Broadcaster - Smile
11. broaddaylight - Three Light Six (2013 Lighter Mix)
12. The Blessed Isles - Round And Round
13. The FLIR - It Didn't Happen
14. Bloody Knives - Suffocation
15. Blackstone Rangers - Frozen Echo
16. Presents For Sally - Softly Spoken/Outside Honey
17. Keith Canisius - Meltdown
18. Lilies On Mars - For The First 3 Years
19. The High Violets - Gravity
20. The History Of Colour TV - I Knew It Was Wrong But I Did It Anyway
21. Resplandor - Feel
22. Spotlight Kid - Sugar Pills
23. Panda Riot - Good Night, Rich Kids
24. Cloud From The Sea - Ever New
25. The Spiracles - A Thousand Miles Away
26. Strata Florida - Automatic
27. Scarlet Youth - Note For A Stranger
28. Lotte Kestner - Ties That Bind
29. The Patience - In Vain
30. Carta - It's Always As It Always Is
31. Lightfoils - How It Is
32. We Need Secrets - Swimming Pool